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Posts posted by LP90

  1. I seriously cant believe you. First you lied to me for months, you cheated, you strung me along, you shattered my heart, asked for foregiveness and then decided to move on when you got it. Nothing but one lie after another about you and your "friend" not having a thing for eachother, what BS!!! Its been 7 weeks of NC and you cant stop texting me for some reason even though i wont reply to you, ever! You and your "friend" are bf and gf now, why do you STILL text me? Why do you text my parents and friends saying you are worried about me? You couldnt give a rats ass whats going on with me! you never cared, because if you cared you wouldnt have been sick enough in the head to toy with me so much and so long you worthless * * * * * ! How could you even say you are worried, when you had no problem letting me go and moving on instantly??? You are just a user, a liar, a cheater, a coward! I will never forgive you for what you have put me through! If you really do cry yourself to sleep because of how sorry you claim to be, then i hope you remain crying 10 times longer than i did for you. If i ever see you face to face you better turn around and leave or i will spit in your face. I have never been so disgusted by another human being in my life, and to think i loved you more than anyone in the world?! i mustve been beyond stupid for believing your lies. All i know is the world has its ways of straightening things out, sooner or later you will get whats coming to you. I wish i could wish you happiness and joy, but at this point i couldnt give a damn what happens to you. Hope to never see or hear of you again!

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