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Posts posted by LINReg

  1. I miss how close we were. Before you could talk to me. You greeted me warmly and looked at me so lovingly. When a girl gets to be with you, she becomes better the rest. You look at her and only her. No other girl gets to see your thoughts or feelings. If you don't like a girl, you won't give her the time of day. Now that I'm no longer that special girl, I'm on the outside. I dont' get to see that smile anymore and it makes me sad.


    I wish you weren't so cold to me. After all we've been through. I think its because you don't think you can afford to feel. You think that if you show me that you're hurting, sad or even happy to be around me I'll get my hopes up. And its probably true. In a way its a cruel kindness.


    Or perhaps you have no more emotions towards me to show? You are so good at compartmentalizing your feelings you become indifferent and detached. Its so horrible to see that. I know you are feeling still, but you will not show me anymore. I have been outcast and excluded from your life and your heart.


    If I tell you this, all you will say sorry and that you can't do anything. What difference would it make? So I will not tell you.

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