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Posts posted by powerk1

  1. Hi, it has been a year since my ex and i broke up. I haven't spoken to him. I want to contact him but don't know if i should or not. After we broke up he moved to another city close by and he lefted his new number...he doesn't really have any family here so i was wondering if this is a sign? He can't really contact me because i have moved also. We had a wonderful relationship just i did some stupid mistakes and so did he (not anything like cheating) but more culture and family stuff. And my insercuties, etc. The last time i spoke to him was in February of this year and it was because his computer send me a virus so i had to tell him..it was short conversation...he asked me what i was doing with school and everything and that was that.


    So please help me with some very mature and resonable advices.



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