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Posts posted by Lovestreak

  1. Day 15....Blah


    Day 15 is cool. Even though its been almost a month since the break up..... I still have her on my mind, but I am staying busy with work. I am realizing that I didnt provide enough security in your relationship to make her feel safe. That was my fault and I wont be making that mistake again. Well, I miss her and I found out that she doesnt want to talk to mutaul friends about me. Its cool. I will continue to show her that I dont need her. I need God... and of course me...

  2. Day 14


    Starting the third week for the first time. I miss her and I care alot about her. I am sure that she does the same. Saw her two weeks ago and we made passionate Love and she told me she loved me. I told her the same. I went back over on Sunday and that was a big mistake. She told me to leave her alone and she is done. Her mouth says that but her emotions say different. I am going to stick to no-contact and work on myself and heal. Hopefully I will make it to 30-40 days without contacting her. Most likely I will bump into her at church, but we shall see. I will just smile and keep going. I have to get my head straight and her out of it. I learned that just because someone is out of your head, it doesnt mean they leave your heart. Congrats JohnGalt. This is truly something to look forward too.

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