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Posts posted by hurtgurl

  1. Morning!


    I really miss you today, I feel sick! Just wandering what you are doing. Wishing I could have a big hug from you.

    Been thinking of the last few times I saw you, How could I have been so blinkered and not see the signs? I know now this is probably for the best but it doesn't help me to stop hurting and missing you so much! I am so in love with you still!


    I just want to be cuddled up with you, am so tired and want a decent sleep, but I want to wake up next to you


    Sorry, just love you is all.......

  2. why did you message me yesterday when I was beggining to pick myself up and accept things? Why say those things to me? Haven't I hurt enough without having to worry about you and how you are feeling too??? No message today to even say you are alive after what you said!! Do you hate me that much. YOU dumped me and I'm the one whose suffering. I feel sick and anxious again today when I was begginig to pick myself up. Thanks for that. I obviously mean't not a lot to you but an ego boost.

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