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Posts posted by AustralianGuy

  1. Hey I'm 17 and, as my name suggests, am Australian and a guy . I am also new to this board but it seems like a great source of advice! Speaking of which, I need some advice;


    I have been good friends with a girl for about a year now (ridiculously good friends - see her at least once-twice a week, she calls me literally every day etc) and I really like her, to the point where I'm pretty sure it's love . Anyway a while back she asked me if I wanted to be physical with her just as friends (nothing beyond second as she is a devout christian


    I have had only some experience with girls as I am really shy in person, which is a curse. Despite this I agreed and we had some fun for a while, but I could never work up the courage to kiss her even though she said she wanted to more than once via sms. Yes I have hooked up a few times before, but only ever initiated it once after a lot of psyching myself up and only ever initiated it with my gf of the time who had told me she wanted to. Anyway, this arrangement lasted about 3 months until she broke it off saying 'we would become to much like a couple, then one of us would move on and the other would get hurt'. I tried to accept her wishes but this didn't last as the following week she was all over me, and we gradually worked back to where we were.


    Recently, though, she has been more affectionate to me than usual and said specifically that she wants to hook up with me, and I returned these feelings. After about a week, because I didn't try to initiate it (despite wanting to), she messaged me saying things like "you don't want to" etc... I said I did and bought myself some time by saying I wasn't feeling too well and didn't want to risk her catching anything. The problem is that I really can't postpone it any longer, so was wondering:


    1.) Any tips on working up the confidence to do it? Is it better to ask or just try to initiate the kiss?

    2.) Any tips on method? This is the main concern: I really don't want to mess this up and she has told me in casual conversation that being a good kisser is an important quality in a boyfriend for her.

    3.) Would this really be in my interest? I know she just sees me as a good friend whereas I want more. Our HSC (Australian SAT equivalent) is beginning in 2 weeks.

    4.) Any tips on getting over her? I try to see us as just friends throughout life but am having a lot of trouble there.


    Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

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