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Posts posted by Nimbard

  1. Ok well all I can think of what to do in your situation would be to basically start over with her again but this time showing more effection towards so she can kind of tell how you really feel about her.


    Not sure if it will work as the ideas in my head are not really all that good after I have just woken up.


    Sorry if its not much help.

  2. Hi I have recently just got into a new relationship with a girl after 2 years of being single and getting used to all the feelings again.


    What my main problem is, is this.


    I'm not a shy person as you will be able to tell from looking at my website, its just when it comes to talking to my girlfriend I become shy and have no idea what to say.


    Any ideas to help me with this would be very helpfull.


    Thanks Nimbard

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