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Posts posted by DigitalSpy

  1. Long term relationships do get back together after breakups. But in my opinion there is normally another realtionship in between. Think about it, after 4 years + with the same person, and it didnt work out. You would certainly want to meet someone else, even if just to make a comparison to check what you just lost was normal, or infact better! So they normally take longer before they reconcile or even get back in contact.


    I have some friends who were high school sweethearts, never thought they would break up. Ultimately they did after a few years (3 I think) anyway they lost contact with one another and eventually both met some one new each. Both of these failed, and they then both found another new partner. Again they failed. after a couple of years they managed to locate each other and have been together ever since. So about...13 years! kids, married the lot and happy!


    I also know some other friends of the family that were broke up early twenties....they found each other when they were early 40's and started things again. I think they are both mid early 50's now so its been atleast 10 years. Fair enough it was a huge time gap of almost 20 years but in the end they found each other again.... and claim they have never been happier. Life works in mysterious ways!

  2. Oh and if you've cheated or abused your ex, then nothing I said above applies to you. The reason why I say this is because from my experience, I have yet to see a reconciliation between the one's who have cheated and abused their ex's.


    I actually know of 2 cases where friends of mine have gotten back together after a "cheating" indecent. One of which was my best friend, and he and his ex (she cheated on him) got back together eventually and have been together for 2 years again now. Also an old friend of the family her and her partner got back together after he had cheated on her, they are married and have 3 kids. Personally I think it depends on A) how good was the relationship before cheating B) How sincere the "cheater" is C) how strong the person is who was cheated on, can you forgive the cheater?


    As for the abuse part, I totally agree with you. It would be silly to go back to some one who abused you, physically or mentally! Unless you had 100% proof they have changed...and some do. A friend of ours was an alcoholic and became a violent drunk (fill in the blanks) his wife stayed with him providing he got help with drinking. They spent a few months apart, to give him a chance to sort himself out and get help, which he has done and things are fine between them again and have been for around 4 years.


    Great post kennyc90 ^^

  3. most stories start off with the the usual 2 years together span,not one involves a short duration...meaning months or less than a year...guess mine won't be coming back


    The trouble with a short term relationship is that you never get a chance to wholly connect with your partner on an emotional level, at least not in the same way you do when you've been with them a few years. Aside from this there isn't that many memories for you ex to look back on, and I think fond memories of a relationship are one of the biggest factors in reconciling with an ex.


    But this doesn't mean that short term relationships will never get back together. My closest friend dated a girl for a few weeks....they broke up and started dating other people. After 6 months out of the blue they bumped into each other, had a quick chat and exchanged numbers. Hes been with her for 2 years since. So sometimes the short terms break up, reconcile and become long term

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