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Posts posted by CarbonB

  1. I am new to this forum and thought this was the best place to post this answer.


    I am 18 years old and have never had a girlfriend. I've been kissed once and thats it. I have had sex before but it was when I went to mexico and was at a club and it was a stripper.


    Now I am wondering what is wrong witih me? Why am I so afraid to commit to a girl and try to be with her and have a steady relationship? I have only kissed one girl and it was only a brief thing and it was someone who just liked me and was drunk and I really had no feelings for her.


    So my real question is do these experiences make me weird? For having sex with a prostitute in mexico make me some sick individual since I have never had sex with someone of my own age?


    Does this make me less of an individual? I am just wondering and it has been bothering me quite a bit. It also all started when someone I knew started questioning my reasons for not sleeping with the girl I knew who was drunk and wanted to have sex wtih me.


    I didn't want to have sex with her because I thought of her as a friend and wasn't attracted. Now I hear a bunch of shit from people I know about how I'm just afraid to get with her. I should of just hit it and quit it?


    I know these are weird questions, but I would be grateful for some advice

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