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Posts posted by jadedbylove

  1. You frustrate me to no end. You are the most immature person I have ever met which is sad considering you are a 43 year old man. What makes you think you can treat people the way you do? Why do you lie about EVERYTHING? it is so easy for you to just run away from everything instead of dealing with reality.


    You know I really thought I loved you. I don't know if it was but I wonder how I could care about someone who himself is so heartless. I didn't screw anything up. You did. You didn't put anything Into our relationship. I tried so hard to be everything to you but it backfired. Look what it got me, nothing.


    I'm angry, bitter and sad. I'm confused. I don't understand why you used to say all those things to me. It feels now that you it was a bit misleading and it is probably what you say to everybody.


    Deep down, I think you know the type of person I am. I think you know I am a great person and you couldn't handle me. You even said I treated you better than anybody else ever has, and you know what who probably ever will.


    I truly believe in karma. You have spurned a lot of women. You broke my heart and messed up a lot of peoples lives. It will catch up you one day. Have fun drinking your life away.

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