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Posts posted by kourtney01

  1. You are the biggest piece of garbage I have ever had the unfortunate pleasure of knowing in my entire life! You are a 32 yr old pathetic excuse for a human being that decided to control, manipulate and abuse a sweet-hearted girl that is almost 8 years younger than you!


    I should have known better judging by the way you treat your family, your ex-wife and your son. Stupid me.


    I hate you. I hate that I still love you. I hate you for cheating on me multiple times. I hate you for getting me pregnant and destroying my trust and sanity to the point where I got an abortion that to this day I still think about. And then to use that against me to cheat on a regular basis and manipulate me to that extent when you know I have a big heart and you know how much I love you... YOU'RE SICK. Disgusting pathetic pig.


    You have done some horrible things to me that only a narcissistic monster like you is capable of... but the worst has got to be leaving me in the hospital fighting for my life after a serious car accident while you're out gallivanting with * * * * #673. That I will never ever forget! She looks like a transvestite! And I am the woman you supposedly wanted to marry this summer! Disgusting. I hate that we have matching tattoos.. wouldn't be surprised if you changed yours by now already!


    I'm glad you jumped into a new relationship just 2 weeks after I dumped your sorry ass once and for all! You know why?? Because you never got over me.. and while I'm healing you're pushing yourself to move forward and will remain the sad miserable loser you have always been. And one day (sooner than later) you will wake up next to her and that sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach is going to return like it used to after every time you cheated..but this time I won't be around to make you feel better!


    Keep asking my friends about me all you want.. because that's the closest you will ever get to me again! Oh and getting a facebook profile all of a sudden now when you hated facebook before? bwahahaha what a pathetic way to get my attention, make me jealous and try to hurt me again... have you no soul? No conscience? No remorse? Clearly not. I don't even know who you are anymore.

  2. I am so hurt. It's been a week and everything is just now starting to sink in...WHY did you have to cheat on me again? How can you look me in the eyes and tell me you love me...how can you make wedding arrangements with me and the family...only to disappear a few hours later and meet up with some ****. Now that I cought you all of a sudden you're a changed man again right? How many times are you gonna feed me that bull? You caused me nothing but grief for so long and I was in such a happy place getting over you. WHY did you have to penetrate my life AGAIN...propose to me...start a life with me again..talk about kids and marriage..set the date for our wedding and convince me that you are a changed man only to go and do it AGAIN! I hate you! I hate what I've become because of you! I hate that I love you SO much. I hate everything you have put me through! You have a disease in the head and now I am convinced that you are simply derranged. Did you really think I was gonna marry a cheater like you? If I would have gone through with the wedding this summer, you would have been responsible for destroying a marriage and a family later down the road. How can you sleep at night? You are just a bad person. No morals, no conscience, no guilt. The only time you feel bad is AFTER you lose me...but it was not enough to deter you from doing it anyway. Well for the first time in 2 years of ruining my life, you honey are gonna get to feel what it's like to feel the pain that you so easily dish out. And I will be strong...as much as it kills me to hurt you and to see you miss me because I miss you too, I will still LEAVE for good. Now you can decide if your BS was worth it a second time because there are no third chances and you will NEVER find better than me! Something tells me you already know that! GOODBYE

  3. Why did you have to RUIN everything AGAIN????


    You can tell me that you love me till you're blue in the face....your actions speak louder than your empty promises!


    Now you're in Cuba miserable..regretting what you have done..but you had sooo many chances to change and you NEVER did.


    You have given me no choice. I have to leave you and as hard as it is for me, I'm so hurt and betrayed that I can't even respond to your texts.


    I know you will regret cheating on me for a LOOONNGGG time because I have never put my foot down this strong and determined before. Now you're gonna see what it's REALLY like to loose me for good since all of the other times I eventually took you back.


    Once it hits you that you threw everything you had away for a few nights of fun...ask yourself if it was really worth it! You will NEVER EVER get better than me. Good luck with the trash that you are so easily drawn to. What a joke you are.

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