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Posts posted by KickStartMyRockNRollHeart

  1. ok theres this guy i recently started to like....but the only thing is i rarely talk to him and i dont really know him...but i would like to get to know him....i know he is smart and witty from the comments he makes in chemistry class...but how do i get his attention with out taking a chance of gettting hurt...or better yet is there a way to get his attention with out the risk of rejection? thanks ahead of time for any advice



  2. well i think it totally depends on the girl. i mean i am a shy girl myself and if a guy came up to me with scenario a it would show we had something in common. also i think it is tottally cute to do scenario a..it shows u actually care and worry wether the girl is going to like you or not...although scenario b is not bad either...im not slamming it at all...in this situation i totally believe it is better to go with whatever makes you comfortable..if she doesnt like it..oh well move on..you didnt need her anyways~good luck with future pursuits~

  3. Ok this is a plea for help! I am challenged when it comes to flirting... never have been able to flirt and never will be able to unless i get some help I am afraid when i do the guy will be like...eww back away...so any suggestions on how to subtly flirt would be greatly greatly appreciated...i would be in debt to you for eternity..bc i mean im FIFTEEN and i dont kno how to flirt...i think its about time i learn..so ne one got any advice? thanks

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