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Posts posted by Mist2044

  1. Thank you for you input SL. He was a prison guard for two years befor working for the sheriffs dept. It was worse when he was at the prison.


    I started dating him before my senior year of HS. His jealousy started about 3 months into the relationship. I should have seen the warning signs and red flags. Now I feel trapped. I let it go on so long. I left him once about a year ago. With good intentions but then he called me at my parents house and talked me into coming over to talk things out. Well I stayed the night and sleeped on the couch. I thought we had every thing settled then. that only lasted for a few weeks then he was back. Yesterday, I was talking to his sister (Also like a sister to me) and she asked me if he had ever SHOWN me that he was sorry. I broke down in tears because no one ever asked me that before and I knew then that he hadn't.


    She also said that the first time we broke up was his fault but the second is my fault. She ment that I should not have put up with it for so long again. Do you agree?


    I love him so much. The night that we broke up a year ago his dad picked him up at work and told him the situation. (I would be gone when he got home and why) the reason I had his dad do this is because if I had to face him alone he would " work his words" and I would stay only to regret it later.


    Now here I am 9 months from the date we are supposed to be getting married and I'm scared.


    I moved in with him the day I turned 18 and have never truly "been on my own." Being young and stupid we got into dept. And I was stupid enough to allow my name on bills...Like his car and my car have both of our names on the title and loan. and other things to. how do I leave knowing that I don't amke enough money buy my self to pay these bills if he dosen't. Or even the ones that he made me take out in only MY NAME!!!


    To make matters worse I love his sister like a sister and his younger brother (my age) was my best friend for 6 years...that's how I met my Fiance.

    I don't want to lose either of them, but I don't want them to feel weird because they are his brother and my friend either...Do you know what I mean?


    I know we would remain close but I don't want to break up their family any more than it is already.


    What do I do?????


    Please help me I ahve to have a game plan for me to do this...


    I need to get out but I'm scared....Not of him really physically but of being alone and with out a penny.


    help me

  2. Hi My Fiance and I have been together for 3 and 1/2 years and engaged for about 3...yes Iknow it was quick. What made it better(or worse) at the time was the fact that I ws only 17 nd he was 19....young, stupid and in love.


    Now he is in law enforment and we have a great appt.,2 cars, a horse(early wedding present for me) and 2 cats. all of this he says that HE worked so hard for and I had little to do with it. For awhile i was working 2 part time jobs that totalled 12 hours a day, and now I still work full time.

    I guess I don't get it.


    He has always been the VERY jelouse type. That should have been a red flag along time ago but I still love him to much to just leave. We fight every time we are together because a guy maybe looked at me funny or my shirt was unbottoned to far....the second to the top on a polo. it is getting tiring having to watch everything I do because i am sick of fighting with him. Little things like spending an hour with his sister at the mall and going to restruants are forbidden.. Am I wrong? Are these things that are normal after awhile?...Do all guys control everything from your under wear to the way you wear you hair, who you can be friends with (no guys/only girls) and whether I can go to a movie with his whole family because other guys might be there?


    I am at a loss? He says he can't trust me. I have never ever cheated and never will. I trust him so why is he like this?


    He once told me that he didn't want me but he didn't want anyone else to either so that was reason enough to get married?


    I can't handle this anymore. What do I do?

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