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Posts posted by R0ck_

  1. Giid advice thanks! this saterday me and her are going out with a couple of her friends and my friends on my boat. I am just gonna talk to her as her a friend try and make a better relationship with her because i know she will eventually break up with this kid. SInce he is cheating on her and he is going away for college

  2. There is this girl iva liked for ahwhile now but she just recently gotten back together with her boy friend. He cheated on her 2 weeks ago. She told him, he wasnt allowed to talk to this girl agian but i saw him kissing that girl yesterday. Should i start to move in on this girl? How should i confort her about this? She is my friend, iva known her since 9th grade. I am not sure how to talk to her. This saterday My friend and I are going out on the boat with her and a couple other girls. i am gonna get her by herself but i am not sure how or what to say. or should i even try???



    PLease help me

  3. I need some topics that will tell her i am intrested in her. She has recently just broken up with her boy friend. I want to give her time but i really wana get to know her more and show her that i am intrested in her. I need some ways and conversational tips to show her i am intrested in her. Also what is a good way to get her alone?




    We goto the same school,we are both Juniors and have the same friends but i am to shy to come out of the blue and ask talk to her. We dont have any classes togther bit i do see her at parties some time.

  4. I am a junior and there are a couple girls i know and i talk to but the talks useally go like how was the test? or whats up? i can not seem to find the words around them. one of the girls i really like i know she does not have a boy friend but she has really high standards. I wish i could go out with her because she is nice funny and beatiful. i need to know how can i get her to start falling for me or getting her to open up more for we can have better converstion.

  5. why dont some girls understand and they wonder why a guy cheated on them. when they only go after the jocks or the guys that will have sex and leave them. but the totally ignore the person would treat them right. I would never cheat and only threat them good but they only consider me as a friend. Then once there boy friend who is a ass cheats on them they wonder why? they dont relieze you get what you chose. but then they just do it all over agian it makes no sense. i was wondering why this happens and how can i get out of the "friend zone"

  6. i also have a quiestion for the ladies out there Does weight actually matter i am 6'2 about 150 i am kinda skinny i am not horrible looking why are most girls fall for mussle bound Jocks?

    i play baseball but i mean the sertiotipcal jock

  7. link removed

    update on that post for all that helped me.



    Ok i talked to her a little bit more after that post. I found out that she needed help in chemistry. Ithought to my self i have a good grade in that class. i asked her if she would like some help sometime after school. I hleped her a couple days ago to study for a test. we got to know each other better. But i am not sure if she likes me like that. I thought something about another guy. I would really like to ask her out but i dont want her to stop talkin to me and its really hard to get alone with her because one of her friends (a guy) really hates me and i really hate him. We have gotten into some fights over stuff last year. i am not sure what i should do. all my friends tell me to stop being a cward and just do it but i dont want rumors around about m. I think if she would reject me she would tell that friend and then the whole school would know. because that kid would talk alot.

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