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Posts posted by AstrallyMundan

  1. I wrote this in the Fall of 2009 when I was wicked depressed over still not having romantic love in my life, despite feeling an undeniable longing to love from within, I felt as if the cosmos was working to keep love out of my life, because all it's ever been in my life so far is cruel irony, *shrug*, so a strand of haiku written off of the top of my head while crying miserably made me feel better at the time, I don't like to edit something from the heart x_x

  2. My sweet dilemma,

    forsaken by Earthly love,

    stolen by the moon.


    Jealous asteroids

    sweep me into their orbit,

    a cosmic embrace.


    Eyes that see anew,

    tell me that I shall find you,

    a star I'd pursue.


    My sweet gift, my curse,

    your gravity I'd orbit,

    if they'd just allow.


    So stranded I lay,

    wandering this lost planet,

    circling it's beloved.


    For too long I've cried,

    aching to be found by you,

    and from space I gleam.


    *sigh*, I watch the stars,

    glancing at sullen beacons,

    their light shared with all.


    I shine just for you,

    in your arms, I'll find respite,

    but distance cripples.


    I picture you, there,

    my essential winter plight

    lingers with the breeze.


    Oh, how love eludes,

    loneliness broods when you pass,


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