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Posts posted by EasyLiving

  1. Day 13


    Me: 27/m

    Ex: 27/f


    I find it hardest to deal with the breakup first thing in the morning. She's the first thing that comes to mind. Once that initial phase passes I'm functional the rest of the day. Still haven't responded to her email. Still don't think it's a good idea.


    Note: I won't have access to the internet this next week but I will hand write my posts and post them here in about a week.

  2. Day 12


    Me: 27/M

    Ex: 27/F


    I wish I saw this thread when when I was on Day 1. I will start posting from today and do another 30 days (Which is fine because I was planning on doing NC for at least 3 months).




    Long story short, we dated for 7 years. It was a happy, loving, caring relationship. We did long distance for the first 4 years while away at school and it was amazing b/c it was just us. We moved back home and I started working 3 years ago and got super busy/stressed with my licensing exam and long commute. Bottom line: I unintentionally put work and my family's tradition of not welcoming a person into the family until we're engaged ahead of her (She's Catholic and I'm Muslim; neither of us are very religious). We also didn't do enough "couple" things like going away and enough date nights and I didn't crash at her place as much as she would have liked.


    She broke it off on Sept. 4th. I pursued for 2 weeks after that but she was set on her decision. I went NC for 5 weeks until her birthday at the end of Oct. I mailed her a card and we spoke briefly on the phone. I asked her out, she initially said yes but then declined. I pursued again and she texted me back saying that I "need to respect her decision." I then wrote her a letter on Nov. 1st effectively saying that I agree with the break up, it was the best decision for the both of us, and we both need to move on. I also told her that I love her and truly want the best for her/for her to be happy.


    I started NC again from that point, Nov. 1st. She emailed me this morning apologizing for the harsh text message, but agreeing with the points of my letter. We're still fB friends and she still has all our pictures up from the last 7 years so I removed her from my news feed and blocked her on gchat so uphold the NC.




    I woke up this morning to an email my ex wrote me. The sight of her name in my inbox caused me to cringe. She was responding to the letter I wrote her 2 weeks before. The substance of the letter was that I agreed with the breakup and wanted the best for her as well as myself. I resisted the urge to respond and do not plan to. Everything she wrote in the letter I already know.


    The last time I broke NC I felt like a fool afterwards. Not letting that happen again! Thanks in advance for all the support, guys!

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