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Posts posted by sunman79

  1. I'm not really sure what to say. I would like to talk in person and tell you all of my thoughts, but I know we will never talk again. You were the most amazing person to ever enter my life and I ruined it. I pushed you away and drained you by taking and draining your tank until you couldn't take it anymore. I was in a bad place and couldn't snap out of it even while you stood by my side through some very difficult times. I made some big mistakes, but never meant to hurt you. You make a difference in this world by helping people and this place is lucky to have you. Your mom still contacts me and calls me her son. It doesn't help me at all, but she was always blunt and easy to talk to. Sometimes I want to tell her I can't talk to her anymore because it's not helping me move on. I don't wish I could go back and change things, I wish we could cross paths again and have another chance. I have so many memories of us and my favorite ones are the most simple. I just hope you're happy because you deserve to be after the difficult things that have happened in your life. You love fiercely and said you would fight to the death for me. I would have done the same and will never forget that. I'm not mad, just sad and extremely hurt because of how you ended things. I sometimes sit and stare blankly trying to wrap my brain around it, but it does no good. You always said everything happens for a reason and I used to believe that, but you know what the most difficult thing about believing that is? Waiting to see what the reason is... Anyway, I'm glad that you shared your life with me and I wish you the best. I miss you.


    "When we stand in our pain, wrap our arms around it, accept life on life's terms, we learn we are not alone. There is another set of arms around us, the pain, the situation, this moment. Then the fear dissipates and gives way to hope, and love and faith. That there is The One who has gone through pain to bring life, and He holds us in our pain to create a new place within us, for his life to grow." unkown

  2. Seeing you yesterday for the first time since the breakup made me realize I don't care as much as I thought. I didn't even have the urge to walk up and talk to you and I didn't feel much of anything before I took off on my evening run. I could tell by the way you acted that you are still your same cowardly self though. I am pretty sure this is how all of your relationships went. I think you should get counseling to help with your past, but I doubt you will seeing how stubborn you are. I don't even think I could be friends with you in the future. I've lost all respect for you.

  3. I deserved a better ending. I treated you with nothing but respect and gave you support when you needed it. I tried to understand your past and be okay with the fact the last three guys abused you. What a pattern... I worked with you and was patient. I feel cheated out of time and dignity. I also believe you cheated on me. I hope one day you wake up and realize what a great guy you took for granted. I'm not perfect, but I KNOW I'm a great guy and you didn't deserve me. I sensed the "fade away" happening and called you on it. The least you could have done was sit down face to face and explain what changed inside you, but instead I get dumped by a text message. The mind games were childish and you're a complete coward. Life goes on...

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