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Posts posted by Viri

  1. Hello, I'm a 20 years old girl who is falling in love with a guy who lives VERY far from where I do. I'm from Spain and he's from US.

    He'll turn 18 in a couple months, we have webcam chats, we call each other sometimes, etc. We like a lot each other, even love.

    We talk everyday in chats, or in games, I really like him. I'd want to meet him IRL, but I have a very low self-estreem, even though he says that I'm deadly cute and sexy

    We might meet next vacations (in some months....) if everything goes fine, and I would even move to US if he asks me to do so (But first I gotta visit him and like him IRL, also he gotta help me to get a home and a job).

    I know, this kind of relationships are very hard... anyone had/has a relationship of this kind? I'd like to share experiences or try to find a way to get this to work.

    Sorry for my engrish

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