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Posts posted by LeeRoy6071

  1. Anything is possible when it comes to love. But don't wait around or stop living. Just let nature take it's course...I truly believe that if two people are meant to be, they will find their way back together.




    Awesome advice. I know your ex will come back around one day if you keep believing down inside.


    Warmest holiday wishes,


  2. I respect the opinions but I agree with AmericanHuney. There are so many stories of people getting back together, it's just you don't always hear about them. Even the U.S. Census Bureau has stats on couples that get back together and re-marry, as well as by some reports as much as 80% of unreported couples. And that is just for the big commitment of marriage (not getting back together for being an unmarried couple).


    I believe that the reason why many couples don't get back together is simply they did not stop to analyze and correct the problems in the relationship before getting back together. So they got back together too soon and, predictably, the same problems resurfaced only to lead to another BU. By analyzing what exactly went wrong and how to fix their own end of it (because relationships are always 50/50 no matter how you do the math), you can increase the probability that you'll at least have a 2nd chance with an ex if the ex is still in some friendly contact down the road.


    Someone in the forums here (I forgot who it was) wrote that there is no such thing as 'false hope,' and I totally concur. Hope, by definition, does not imply any 'guarantee'. Therefore, since hope has no guarantee to begin with (maybe only anticipation), you can't have 'false hope.' So I say it's okay to hope BUT you don't let that be the end-with-all. Optimism is good, provided it is guided by realism.


    Given the choice between simply giving up every time and focusing on hope, I'd choose the latter. But I've not allowed 'hope' to dictate my vision and by focusing on myself, I've actually brought ex's back into my life naturally.

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