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Posts posted by harkkam

  1. (Name), I wish you the best because I have only good feelings for you. Im sorry for the pain I have caused you there was no excuse for my behavior with you. I was immature and selfish and didn’t take responsibility for my words and my actions. My heart was crushed when you left me and I understand why you did what you did and walked away from me, made me feel so worthless, but I’m sure that you felt that way many times as well. I’d like to say that If I ever made you feel used I never meant to in anyway, but I know used is how you feel and that’s what matters and I’m really sorry Naf Naf. I think I’m a better man today and wish that I could meet you today, but life only moves forward and I wish you the best. I hope you find success in everything you do. I accept responsibility for all the wrong I’ve done I’m not going to disagree, argue and contest anything, I accept it all. You live and learn and that’s what we should both do. I hope one day we can be friends. Take care.

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