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rob d.

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Posts posted by rob d.

  1. Well, I found out today that she still has feelings for me. She doesn't love me though because we both said some pretty hurtful things to each other during this all (at first she said she had no feelings for me.. she didnt want to appear foolish). Now she just 'wants to be friends'. She said it isnt completely out of the picture of us getting together, but that it might not be for a very long time (like 6 months to a year). She said she doesn't want to burn any bridges and that she was jealous when she thought I had feelings for someone else. She feels like she is losing the most important person in her life. It pretty much came down to that and this:

    "You're probably the best thing that's ever happened to me and i'm stupid for not realizing that you are one of the best friends i'll ever have. I'm sorry i we'll never fix things and my word s will never be enough. I can only hope that we can move past all of this and become friends again and hopefully I'll get to know myself and you all over again. No one ever loved me like you did and no one ever will."


    I'm so confused, she goes back and forth and back and forth. I dont know if i should stick it out for another six months or whatever for the 'possibility' that she will come back to me. Any insight? comments?

  2. My girlfriend of 18 months went to college about 3 weeks ago (2 hour drive from my college). A week ago, after a great weekend of visiting(we both feel this way), we got in a small argument. The next day she said she was confused and had to think about our relationship. Several days after that, she broke up with me.


    She says she is still attracted to me and that she loved me even the day we broke up. But she will no longer say 'love you' or anything similar in emails, calls, or on AIM. She gets uncomfortable when I express feelings of intimacy with her that have not changed for the past year and a half, and she has known about them the entire time. I am confused at how one day she can love me, and the next just want to 'be my friend'. She says she is still attracted to me, but just doesn't want a boyfriend. I dont know what this means. She said that there could still be a future between the two of us, but i find this hard to believe. This dramatic change of attitude occurred very abruptly and caught myself as well as our friends and families by surprise.


    She feels horrible. This morning she came crying to me about how crappy she felt. I spent the next two hours making her stop crying and eventually to laugh and smile. I'm so confused. What do you think she feels for me? Should I keep trying to get back with her even though she just wants me to stop?


    She is coming home this weekend and wants to see me. I dont know how I'm going to act. I'm going to want it to be the same, and try to be sappy and romantic and try to be emotionally close with her, but I fear it will just hurt the situation more.

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