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Posts posted by AceGirl

  1. You told me for a year that I was so important to you, was that all lies? I don't understand how you can just walk away from something that you said was so important. I loved you and you have hurt me so bad, I will probably never ever recover from this. I should have seen the signs though when we were together. You never liked anything I had, you would never ad me to FB, my request for you as a friend sat there for ages and you never accepted it.. I mean why? I was suppose to be you best friend, yet you had people you barely knew in our class on your FB but not me, but we were living together and seeing each other, you even have you ex on you FB, but what's wrong with me? I am a fool. You played with me and then when you were ready you dumped me like garbage and moved away 2 days later and left me in terrible pain with no one to turn to. I should have known something was un-finished between you and your ex, you still love her or something because you would never talk about her ever and if I brought it up you would get mad, yet I told you so much about my past, I wanted my past to be my past. You moved back to the town your ex is in and you wanted me to be you friend still but I had to go NC because you are no friend to me you are mean and you have a very selfish and ugly personality. Any one who I befriend does not make me feel this bad ever. I love you and I hate you and you have aided me to depression and crying most days, the dreams are bad at night too, why would someone who said they loved me everyday do this, I will never believe the word love again because of you You killed me.

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