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Posts posted by dgmc

  1. K I got one.

    An old friend of mine broke up with his girlfriend because she was talking about wanting to get married. He said she was on the 7 year plan. I never had of this term before. I guess it goes, if she can stay with him for 7 years, then he'll ask her to marry her. They went out for a year or longer (I can't remember the specifics). They also lived together. They fought over this, she was offended. He broke it off. She I'm sure was heart broke. He isn't the kind of guy not to feel bad (or at least show it). He's not exactly the best role model when it comes to relationships.

    But I just heard that he is back together with her after being a year or two separated. I doubt that he's matured too much, but nevertheless they are back together and he may be more accepting to get married sometime in the nearer future.

  2. I just wanted to say that this thread helps most dumpees through tough times and it doesn't not give much as far as false hope.

    I just met up with my ex tonight. I wont lie and say I didn't hope she wanted me back. But I was also realistic and knew that she hadn't changed (4 weeks since BU). We met and I told her that if she didn't want to be with me, than we cannot be in contact with each other and we cannot be friends. I probably wouldn't have had the guts to make this strong move if I hadn't read this thread. It helped me make the right move which was to move on. One day we may get back together. But she is definitely not ready for a serious relationship now. This thread made me think about the situation and ironically helped me shed my hope.

    I'm sorry to those that are looking for happy endings. I'm still going to read these posts. They still cheer me up even though my relationship is over. Hey, they might give me hope about reconciling in a few years. I don't see anything wrong with that. Why not think positively about the far off future. If it makes you happy than do it. No one can let life pass by for that long anyways. Let it make you happy until happiness of life returns.

    Just my opinion.

    Would someone please post a happy story after this downer.

  3. Day 2,

    Amazing! I have never felt so confident and moved on as i am today. My feelings for her are I'm sure still hidden underneath. But right now I feel great. I just got back from the library and had a cute girl eye on me. Unfortunately, I didn't make a move. But that's ok. Maybe it's all in my head but the important thing is, my confidence is there.

    Another important part I should mention is I have been hearing little news on my ex. My buddy lives with my ex and tells me certain things. I don't ask him to. He just needs to vent about her and his other roommate haha. He gets angry at the stupid things they say and needs to get it out of his system. And the things that he says tells me that she isn't even the same girl anymore. My girlfriend is gone. The person she's become is not someone I want to be with. So my hope to reconcile is gone because I don't want to be with her.

    So I can conclude that I'm taking big steps to getting over her. I don't want to be with her, and I am regaining my confidence around other girls. Things are looking up.

    This is a great site and helped me out a lot but I think as long as I am feeling better, I am going to avoid it so I don't get the wrong mindset. I hope everyone the best of luck. Take care.

  4. Back to Day 1

    Some of you may have read my thread. I responded to my ex last night via instant messaging. She wanted to know if I hated her or not. I replied saying I didn't hate her and that I needed space. I almost regretted it immediately. But I'm hearing mixed responses from ppl saying if it was the right move or not. Last night I could care less. I felt great! These days, I feel great in the evenings. I'm not going to lie. I was hoping for her to contact me last night. However today, I am back to missing her. I wouldn't say I took a step back. I am making ground. But the feelings are still there and I miss her. Even when I think I'm moving on and I'm not living on the hope that she will return, I later find myself sad and thinking that she wont come back. I wish I could read her mind at times.

  5. Day 2 of the challenge (19 days of NC)

    Yesterday morning was rough. I went through my facebook and removed photos of her. Then went to my messages and deleted all the old messages. It sucked seeing those again. They were so nice. Why can't life be like that again?

    Later on in the day, I felt a lot better. Strangely enough I was happy. I dunno why, there was no reason for it. I guess it was because for once I wasn't upset. I could think of her and not get down. But I still missed her.


    This morning was a little rougher. I've been thinking about her. I read the "grass is greener" thread. It gave me hope at first. But then I read into the replies and lost a little hope. I've been thinking a lot of how I acted towards the end of the relationship. I've been feeling a little embarrassed. How as she was pulling herself away, I was trying to win her back by getting more involved and intimate. I usually don't write love letters and I know she doesn't exactly like them. But I still wrote one for her on her birthday. I'm sure she just threw it away and it just made her sick. I feel a lot more sick than yesterday thinking about how she threw my extra effort to love her aside.


    The one thing I have going for me is I know I will never break the NC. Or atleast I will not be the first to break contact. I strongly feel that I do not even have that option. I know I will sound pathetic. I made it clear that if she ever felt for me again, that she can try and contact me. And I've been waiting for that contact ever since. I want it soooo bad.

  6. DAY 1

    Already cheated. I read another thread posted and the dumpee said that his ex still had picture of them together up on facebook. I had to check if my ex still did. I dunno why. She did have a few pictures of us tagged together but removed the profile pictures. I took the time to remove all of mine. Honestly, my main motive is to hope she notices. I am weak. Now that I know about the pictures, I can move forward and not think about it. I will be strong here on out.

    PS - it didn't feel good looking through her picture again.

  7. Day 1 (of the challenge, been no contact for 11 days)

    I miss her. She's contacted me only to make sure I'm doing ok. These are just attempts to suppress the guilt she has. I try my best to move on but ultimately the only thing that keeps me going is the thought that she'll start to miss me soon and come back.

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