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Posts posted by Julo

  1. well this is one good tread I want to start off. It's true what a poster said earlier, reconciliation happens more often than what people think. On ENA people come here for advice and to help them get through whatever the problem is in the relationship, and once the reconciliation happens the person forgets about ENA and does not really post any more. People really tend to tell their friends family or whatever the case may be. I am one that has gotten dump and for some weird reason things between me and my ex has taken a turn for the better. Not to say we are together, but working on yourself and the problems that doomed the relationship you have to work on for yourself, and if you ex partner see's that you are not only working on yourself for the better he or she will see that. Just for everyone that reads this just take the break up with a grain of salt. I have been the dumper before and I tend to burn bridges when I get dumped or I do the dumping. But I have not burned the bridge on my ex just solely on my feelings towards her. Just my advice work on whatever brought down the relationship with your partner. Not only will it make you a better person, but it will make you a better person for your ex IF you do reconcile or make you an even better person for your next partner. Goodluck to everyone

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