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Posts posted by huefuk

  1. Wow, I wish you could have just been honest with me from the start. Why the hell would you tell me you were crazy about me and call yourself the love of my life. Why would you cry over me and tell me you needed me and really wanted to be with me. Then the next day just call it all off like it was nothing. Even though we were together for a very short period of time, I felt something with you that I have never before. Now I find out you fooled around with one of my good friends a week after we split and you've been juggling several other guys in the three weeks we've been apart. I was simply thrown for a loop and can't figure any of it out. I guess I was just some idiot that was taken for a ride. Well I want to thank you for opening my eyes and making me much more bitter person. I know that I can't just open up to someone until I've really gotten to know them and they have proved they are deserving of such affection. I wish you the best and hope that you are happy, but please stop contacting me and telling me you feel jealous of me dating someone else. It isn't fair to me and as much as I feel for you, you are not at all the kind of person that I want to be with. I will not be your safety blanket or fall back guy. In fact, I don't even think I could be your friend. I've never been treated this way and don't want to be around someone that could do this to anyone.

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