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Posts posted by Ryme

  1. So - I'd still like to know why you didn't try to work this out - no matter what you felt, or didn't feel, for me - what about your daughter? How can you just abandon your marriage without trying to save it when there's a kid involved? I want to forgive and forget, but I think I'm always going to feel some resentment for you doing that.


    If we'd have lived 50 years ago, when divorce was more unusual and less acceptable, would you have tried to work at it, I wonder? Is marriage so meaningless to you? What about all those vows - were they meaningless?

  2. FWIW, I think you're doing great! Your posts show how strong you're being.


    I agree with so much that you've written there - I somehow love and hate my husband at the same time, and want karma to catch up with him, but want him to be happy too. It's so confusing! And being strong for the kids - well IMHO, that's something that a lot of partners who walk away don't seem to consider - we're left holding the fort, and our own emotions have to be put on the back burner whilst we keep it all together for the children.

  3. This is a great site on lighting, at least with flash setup (in the essays section): link removed


    Brill, thanks for the link. I seem to be much better at dealing with lighting outside, but my indoor shots are always either too dark and full of noise, or too overexposed.

  4. Cheers for bringing A with you when you brought our daughter back. Okay, you spend a lot of time with her. Okay, you say she's your friend and that's all, but do you have to thrust her in my face all the time? Did it not occur to you that I might feel slightly uncomfortable around her, especially as I initially thought you'd left me for her? Do you really have no idea of / consideration for how other people might feel? And don't you think our daughter might like to spend some time alone with you?

  5. Thank you.


    I have a Nikon D300, and the lens used for this was an 18-200mm Nikkor VR. I'd love to become good enough to enter some competitions, but I've got a way to go yet.


    How about you - what equipment do you use? The lighting in your photos is great! I could do with some tips, hehe.

  6. This photo makes me feel a mixture of emotions! It's of a place I love, and I think it's one of the better photos I've taken. However, it was taken the evening before my husband walked out. Now I know that whilst I was out taking photos, he was at home packing a suitcase. So I don't know whether I love it or hate it!


    image removed

  7. I actually will say this to my ex (that's the first time I've called him 'ex' instead of 'husband' I think!) but I kind of wanted to rehearse it here, hope no one minds!


    Thanks for your letter tonight, it's given me some closure, which is what I badly needed. Even when I sent you that message yesterday, I was 99% sure that you'd tell me it was over for good, but I needed you to say the words so that I had no room left for doubt.


    If I've read it correctly, it sounds like you still care about me as a friend but don't have any romantic feelings for me any more. That's better than some people have in this situation, and I'm feeling pretty happy with that! It'll take a while for my romantic feelings for you to go away, but rest assured, they will, and I'll move on.


    I'm glad we can still be friends. It's still a relatively short time since you left, but I'm proud of how far we've managed to progress in that time. I'd love us to be in a position where we can be in each other's company with no uneasiness at all, but I realise that's going to take time.

  8. Love the ducks sidehop! Do you sell your photos? This would make a great stock photo for a site such as link removed - bright, colourful, lovely composition...


    OneEskimO - yours are great too, very effective use of selective colour, I like the one with the flags especially.

  9. I am doing a distance learning photography degree. It was going really well and I was enjoying every second of it until a few weeks ago, when I split up with my husband! The course has therefore gone by the wayside for the moment, but my enthusiasm for it will be back soon, I'm sure.


    I would definitely recommend distance learning, as long as you pick a good college. In my case, the course materials they've sent me are beautifully presented and well thought out. Tutorial support is via email and is very comprehensive.


    EDIT: Just read the above post. I was self-taught, and am self-employed (just a few hours a week) as a freelance photographer. I chose to do the course because I love to learn new things, and I found it useful in that it consolidated the knowledge I already had, and taught me to consider things from different perspectives / mindsets too.

  10. That is something you should tell him.


    How do I tell him, though? We're at the stage where we can spend a little time together (e.g. when he's picking our daughter up) with no uneasiness, but the second I mention anything to do with our relationship, no matter how loosely connected it is, he gets a look of panic on his face and clams up. Then he acts weird with me for a couple of days.


    So do I wait and say it to his face? Text him, email, tell him on the phone?

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