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Posts posted by NogaPatumee

  1. I didn't say anything even happy birthday to her even though I saw her on Monday (Her Birthday), texted her today saying "Heyy, happy belated birthday, sorry I didn't hit you up on Monday, hope you had a great day She almost instantly responded with "Thanks.. it's ok... Means a lot u sent now =)" and I didn't text her any further. I know the object of no contact is to get over the person and improve myself but my days are full with all kinds of enriching myself, having a blast with friends/family, etc. but I still want to get back with her and I feel like if I'm not at the very least civil that won't happen. What do you guys think?


    And she needed space because I told her I loved her one morning (yeah not smart but so what it just slipped) how lame...



    I did the same thing man, and you should not feel ashamed. You told her the truth (if you did/do indeed love her) and if she pushed you away then screw her. I was upset at first too, but as I thought about it (NC helped with this), you can't treat some one as a priority if they only treat you as an option. If she calls you saying "I messed up, I thought about it and you're the only one for me, please take me back." then think about it. If not, move on.


    I still love the object of my NC, prob always will, but you can't make someone love you, just let her go with love and get on with your life.

  3. NC: 3 Weeks


    This is my first post on this forum but I've read about 250 pages of this thread before breaking no contact today. This girl was my best friend for years before we were both single and started dating. I have never been happier than when I was with her and honestly thought I was gonna be with her forever. Anyway she called today and we talked, she told me that she really liked me and what pushed her away was me flipping out and over-reacting when she said she needed space. I didn't respect her request because I thought she was trying to break up with me when all I had to do was say "Ok, I understand call me when you're ready" I never learned this lesson before and really wish it wasn't her that taught it to me cuz not only did I lose my best friend but also the girl that I love.


    Moral of the story? When they want space give them more space than they can handle. And don't flip out and cry/beg/plead for them to take you back.

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