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Posts posted by thewendy

  1. getting back together with your ex is easy... it's keeping them around for good that's hard.


    i think the only way to make it work is to not get them back, but instead start a NEW relationship with them AFTER you've moved on from the previously bad relationship. and the only way to that is going through the ups and downs of strict NC, finding yourself again, and moving on.


    easier said than done, yes i know. i still have so much trouble and struggles with it. but that is the only way.

  2. tomorrow will be day 1 for me. baby steps, but wish me luck guys. i was supposed to meet him tomorrow to "talk" (but what to talk about i wasnt sure) but i cancelled it, because i know i will just beg him to take me back. one month would be good. i told him i will contact him if i was ready to meet up and talk, but until then, im seriously planning no contact.

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