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UK Stu

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Posts posted by UK Stu

  1. Day 18. Seems like it's getting harder in some ways. I'm so anxious for her to contact me. I'm holding out hope that she'll come back to me. It sucks. I'm checking my email 100 times a day...waiting for her to say something...anything! When does this get easier?!!!


    Eddie, I am in the same boat, and the same sort of time frame as you. In short, I don't know....

  2. Bugger, I am not holding it together tonight. Pacing around the house, having a drink to calm me down, regarding the earlier post.


    If I don't get drunk, I will have to take a sleeping pill, else I will not get to sleep as I am too wound up.


    The last 3 days I have been good, and spent the day with a mate and his wife who are visiting from home. I was in a good mood.


    I have convinced my self that I have to wait till my mates wife makes contact with my ex first, trys to set up a meeting between us, and tells me the lye of the land first.


    I am looking for signals and signs, but as I have been getting this via friends who she has contacted, I am over reacting to them. Though she has not said "there is nothing between us", using them to deliever the news.


    Maybe the news she told my mate about her (bad) work situation, was meant for me, that she is talking charge of things?

  3. I received a news that my ex had visited a mutual friend last night, when she was down, and over the weekend had left message with a mates wife regarding visiting her next weekend regarding a health problem,


    She asked my mate how I was, but he bring up about "us", as she didn't look like she wanted to talk about it.


    I still haven't spoken to her since we broken up, she has been NC. But I am ment to be going on a trip with a group of others and her in 2 weeks time.


    I felt uneasy and sick. I wanted to get in contact with her.


    But I will wait for my mates wife to call her tomorrow, before I make a move.

  4. My ex (of a few weeks)posted on a forum we both use, regarding some girl who was getting the guys to vote for her on someonline modeling competition (and all the guys trying to them flirt with her), congratulating her on going well, but being jealous.


    I wanted to respond that in my eyes she left the 20 something for dead.


    But I will have to wait until she contacts me for that.

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