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Posts posted by Kaylee2

  1. I think i;ve made some progress, I've collected up all the things he gave me and all the things that remind me of him and all his pictures and everything, and I've put them all away in a box. I'm deleting all our photos on facebook and I'm going to try and move on I'm currently however crying my eyes out!

  2. Whats this? Day 4?


    I'm starting to feel less better and more like I want him back in my life in anyway possible. Everything is reminding me of him! I had my whole life with him for 3 and a half years and now I have nothing!! I know I'm falling apart. I know he can fix it, I wish he would. But I don't think he will. I don't know how long I can keep this up. I'm miserable, I'm not talking to anyone properly.. I go to work and I can't wait to get away home but why? Once I finish all I'm left with is these thoughts!

  3. Thank you, I know you're right. He seemed to just wake up one day and decide I'm not worth it anymore so he decided that he doesn't love me anymore as he thinks I'm too clingy and controllong! I just love him so much tho. Couldn't even think about not been togetjer which ended up pushing him away!


    I don't know your situation exactly Kaylee, but my ex left me. We used to be together on Sundays too, but she left, and if she wants to spend any more Sundays with me she'll contact me and tell me so. So I'm not going to chase after somebody who doesn't want to be gotten. Try to remember, if they want to be with you, they will, and contacting them won't change that.
  4. Yeah. At this point I'm sort of like a junkie trying his hardest not to stick that needle in his arm to get his fix. Sometimes I want to tell her I love her and miss her and other times I want to tell her to go f##k off. If I can make it through the weekend with no contact I think i'll be good this coming week.


    Yeah just try and do one day at a time, from reading this thing it seems to get slightly less difficult! I know what you mean about the junkie thing, thats exactly it like you need your fix cos you cant bare not having this thing that makes u happy anymore! I think if i wasnt trying to stop myself he'd have about 30 texts a day tellin him i love him and miss him and its all my fault!

  5. Free time is a killer. When I don't have something to do to occupy my mind I think only about her. I hate it when I think about what she might be doing. Maybe she's meeting other people, having fun, meeting guys. It drives me nuts. I have nothing to say to her but, like an addiction I need to contact her...but I won't.


    Need to find something constructive to do to take my mind off her. Any thoughts people?


    I feel the same, I've just started trying to text my friends instead and try and just take my mind off it anyway at all possible. I'm sat here now kind of just making myself not ring him or anything cos I know it wont get me anywhere so I came on here to get my reinforcement in my head! Don't think theres alot you can do other than think about that it won't change anything cos there are no magic words and saying something in the moment could just ruin anything in the future! Thats what I think anyway.

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