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Posts posted by swifty_rose

  1. ok, I don't cut myself on purpose or haven't ever done it really bad on purpose...well, anyway I cut myself accidentally the other day, and it didn't hurt it felt good actually. I mean the rush and seeing all the blood, it was numb and it felt good until the doctors pushed on it. But the pain afterward was even nice because it took my mind away from other things. Is this dangerous...why does pain feel good to me? I'm kinda confused...any opinions will work thanx

  2. Ok, well I have come to really think that I have this disorder. I have a very short attention span and if affects everything. I mean I can't fight off impulses to change direction on what I'm doing, I can't pay attention in class and I just really feel that I have this. I was wondering how I bring it up to my parents. I dunno if I should be like I think I want to get tested for add so I can get help and am able to pay attention. I mean is there a way to know for sure before I get my suspscions out in the open. I am 17 and I'm having really hard times in math and english because of this. I can't keep concentrated, I dunno if it's just that I don't like those subjects or if it is my brain's fault. I should be able to at least pay attention. I have problems driving and at work as well. Does anyone know of any webpages that I can like test myself or get more info on it or anything? I really want to know for sure, but it just all seemed clear I think that I do need help for this. thanx, a lot!

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