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Posts posted by SillyDate

  1. I listened to that story today, truly beautiful events that show not to give up hope... move on, but keep a spot in your heart for all that truly matter


    Can you please teach me or explain, how can I have hope while I moving on and keep the spot in my heart for him? I really wish he will come back.....broke up 15 days ago, NC

  2. sillydate, is this a serious question? i would think that a "dumper" making the efforts to reconcile with the "dumpee" is preferred.


    but if you're coming from a context in which you're concerned that the "dumpee" has lost their attraction to the "dumper" because they were left behind, took the time to heal, improve, learn from the mistakes they know they made in the relationship, put in a lot of effort to recover and move on, and therefore, would not be interested in the "dumper" anymore, then yeah reconciling will be much more challenging.


    Thanks for the insight...I asked that question because I am the dumper but please wait, let me elaborate in a summary way. I "set him free" because during the period of downhill, I found out that he has been telling his cousin he might want to end with me due to all recent arguments. His cousin taught him to piss me off so I can leave him instead of him dumping me so he does not have to be the bad guy....I felt he already started to distant from me and he kept telling his buddies to make plans so he can have excuse to avoid visiting me on weekends [we live 40 miles apart]. He has a lot of resentment towards me due to arguments. I felt heart broken to know all those so I set him free


    My goal is to let him go and praying that time and space and my absence can fade his resentment. I love him, I know he loves me as well.


    I hope to reconnect with him and hope we can start over again in a baby step way but I am not sure if I have chance because he has not contacted me ever since I dumped him. Today [7/79/12] is 10th day of breakup and NC. When I initiated, I didn't mention 1 word of breakup. I said "better be friends, I think you'll be happier"


    In this context, I am the dumper...still got slight chance?

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