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Posts posted by cmo

  1. Well you all may like this.


    i posted on this forum on pg 27 sometime after my breakup sharing all the stories of friends that i knew that had gotten an ex back well guess what has just started happening to me over the last month. my ex came back in my life and has really been trying to repair what has happened. i wont go to much further into detail right now cause i dont know whats going to happen as of right now but believe me i thought that this was not gonna happen 10 months after the breakup. i just took care of myself on got back to who i needed to be and i guess it showed and a lot of people took notice.

  2. I think the reason you dont see more is for the simple fact that most people experiencing a break up dont come on sites like ENA and just deal with there problems with friends and family.. so why after they reconcile would they post about it if they never did when they were broken up? could be my opinion


    i do agree that you should remove that hope and not cling to it too tightly but these stories of reconcilations serve as more then false hope for people. it gives people a sense of happiness that things will get better which is what everyone needs in times of depression. which can lift peoples spirits and let them begin to live again so they can heal and move on. i know for me it has helped tremendously in the early days to know that many people have gotten back with an ex and things got better or that they found a new person even better.

  3. Ok so here's a few more that i can think of off the top of my head.


    1st - A friend of mine that i have grown up with has been dating the same guy for the last 3 years i think. (not really sure when it started) but for some reason they have broken up multiple times and from what i hear its the guy thinking he wants out so she just lets him go as best anyone can. more recently it happened about a month ago again to her (2nd time i think) and she went away on vacation with a bunch of family and friends and when she got back to guy wanted her back and they worked things out and she seems happy again.


    2nd - Another friend of mine that i met at college had just recently lost his girlfriend over the summer just before heading back for his 2nd year of college. this is when i met him. he seemed like it was still on his mind but had no contact with her for some time about 3 -4 months and had fun partying with friends and being himself when one day out of nowhere he tells all us that his ex called him and wanted to come to see him. he told her he didnt think it was a good idea. but she came anyway and they ended up back together and she even moved to be with him for the summer. it has now been 2 and a half years since they got back together and they havnt had anymore problems and are going great to this day.


    3rd - A couple i had met on multiple ocassions had broken up while around the 1 year mark of their relationship. they were apart for a few months before the guy that had broken it off came back to the girl and fought for her. it has since been about 4 years since then and the couple has finished school and moved in together and are planning their furture.


    4th - I had met this amazing girl that i never dreamed i would fall so hard for. at about the one year mark i began to feel as though i no longer had attraction and wanted to be in a relationship and the fact that other girls began to show interest in me. (not a good thing to let into your head i know) so i broke up with her after a lot of thinking. well for the first month things were great but then in the second month reality started to set in that i wasnt having the kind of fun i thought was out there. i didnt get into another realtionship just wanted to really be free. well then my ex began to hang out with a friend of mine around the time i realized what a mistake i had made and i went to get her back. it took some time but we did and we got stronger then we were in the past. (however) fast forward 4 more years and she dumps me now saying almost the same things i had said to her. it has taken some time but i have now gotten my head on straight and putting myself first. it has been 3 and a half months since the breakup and no success for me this time.


    I have learned a few things through all this however. being that reconciliation happens way more then anyway says but you cant focus on that. you have to treat yourself good and realize that although things arnt what you want right now you have the power to make your life as good as you choose. it has taken me some time to become used to this but i now feel like i am in control of my happiness and i feel like it is starting to show in my actions. I now and taking care of myself again enjoying my life working out and lost some of that extra weight and am becoming the more outgoing person i used to be. Who knows whats around the corner but i am excited for now just having fun and really enjoying the person i am once again.

  4. Getting back together happens way more often then people realize if the couple involved were actually in love at one point or another. the more i've looked around at my friends and family the more stories i see.


    1st story - A friend that i met through college met his girlfriend there. they began dating and after a little over a year it ended ( not sure why i never asked) both went on to life there lives and about 3 -4 months later the two ended up back together and seem happier together now then they were before.


    2nd story - A buddy i met at work had been dumped by his gf a month or two before starting a new job (for another guy from what i was told) where i work. it seemed to still be on his mind but the change to a new environment and people really seemed to help him and he began to just enjoy himself. after a few more months about 6 since the breakup his ex came back around wanting to get back together that she made a mistake. he didnt give in so easy but after some more time they ended up back together and now moved in with each other and are still together 2 years later.


    3rd Story - Another friend i had met at college was in the midst of splitting from her husband of many years and had even moved out of the house and got her own place. they stayed in contact as they had kids and she eventually found out she had some chemical imbalance and when the problem got fixed she realized she loved her husband and moved back in and are still together. (apart for about 6 months to a year i believe)


    4th story - My parents had broken up mutiple times when they were younger. once it was only weeks and the second time it was about 8 months. they got in contact again one day and married a year and a half later. still together to this day almost 25 years later.


    5th story - A real close friend of mine had been dating this girl for nearly a year. they got along great and really seemed happy. one day just before the 1 year mark she began to have feelings for someone else and left. he did what was needed and focused on himself and had fun with friends. a few months later she called him up crying that she mad a mistake. at that time he had told her there was no going back because she had hurt him too much. she then took the next three months to focus on herself and get better as they remained in contact. They have just recently gotten back together as summer started and both seem more happy then they have both been in a long time.


    I have more but at the risk of making this any longer i will stop here. it just shows that as long as you move and work on yourself and love and respect the person you are good things will happen.

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