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Im Steph

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Posts posted by Im Steph

  1. A- I feel so alone without you. Everything makes me think of you. Do you think of me? Do you want to see me again? If only we could spend some time together, I believe we could rediscover what we had. I'm sorry I took you for granted and I stopped making as much effort. I thought we were comfortable, I thought you would always be there for me. I would have supported you in everything. I still will.

  2. A-

    I had a down day today, even had tears welling up while I was sitting in class. I doubt you have cried since the day you broke up with me. I have never cried so much in my life either. I'm doing things to move on, but I'm not. I'm still just going through the motions, but I don't really believe I want to do any of it, I can't even get excited about going to Alaska. I just want to be with you. You thought of me at least the other day, enough to send me an email. I didn't really tell you anything when I replied because I don't want you to feel sorry for me. But I wanted to tell you how much I miss you. I still think of a time when we can be together again, talk about everything, and figure out a future. Sweet dreams.

  3. In case you were wondering,you have not seen me online because I don't want to talk to you, it was not helping me and I can't pretend not to care, and ask too many questions. It only pushes you away and makes you annoyed with me. Email is the maximum I could possibly handle right now. And why would you really assume it was me that called you? I can't help thinking you were looking for some excuse to contact me. Well, I hope you got what you wanted. I hope the new captain and owner are jerks and everything breaks all at once, the management company won't let you buy what you need, the owner gets mad at you when the boat can't go anywhere, Sarah runs off and sleeps with another 10 guys because she constantly needs that attention and confirmation and you see how wrong you were to feel anything at all for her (if you did). Obviously, she doesn't compare to me, and neither does anyone else you'll ever meet.

  4. A- You're still constantly on my mind. I imagine you going out, happy with meeting new people, never thinking of me or missing me. Who knows how you are really feeling now? Maybe you're stuck in the engine room, cursing the new captain and owner... Are you getting what you wanted? It might still be some time, but I hope you will look back on me and the time we had together fondly. Maybe even wish you had done things differently. You won't find someone like me again. I don't know what the future will bring. I feel like I would want to be with you again, but it would be hard to trust you completely. Miss you.

  5. A- I have been wondering how work is going, if you are working too hard and taking on too much. I wish you would have chosen to take some time off, be with your family, see some friends, but it's seems like you threw yourself into work so you wouldn't really have to deal with things. If you were doubting how happy you were with work in the last few months, why do you think it will get better now? There will be some new people, maybe you'll get to visit a few different places. I guess I'm afraid that you will be satisfied now, think it was me that was bringing you down, that you'll meet someone new and move on without a glance back. I miss you so much. I just want to talk to you.

  6. Dear A-

    I am thinking of you all the time. My mind seems to bounce from one memory of us to another. It's like there's just too much there, I can't focus on anything else. You said a while ago that you were having lots of thoughts, and yes, some of them were about me. But that it didn't mean you wanted to get back together. But what do you want? We had something great, I don't think we can find that again, find someone else to experience that with. Everyday that goes by with no contact is so hard. Are you thinking of me, thinking of contacting me, or are you moving on and busy with other stuff, meeting new people who you think are better than me? I think everyday of what it would be like for us to have that time together that we talked about, just the two of us. I miss you, I hope you're sleeping well tonight, and don't work too hard tomorrow.

  7. A-

    I really miss you tonight. I got home from work late, and seeing all the happy people, dancing, having fun, it just made me want to be doing that with you. I'm sorry I wasn't appreciating you enough and I wasn't as much fun anymore. I just can't believe you did this to me, and you never wanted to talk about it or give us a chance to really try. I don't think you know just how much I'm hurting. You said it wasn't an easy decision to make. Why didn't you value me and our relationship enough to try to see it through the hard times? I don't know what you think you want. We had it very good. I thought we were something special. We could have had that again, but now I don't know if I can trust you again. But I love you, I hope we can talk again someday and be close again. Missing you so nuch tonight. -Steph

  8. I miss you so much, I just want to talk to you and be with you again. I was so comfortable with you, I have never been closer to anyone. Why was I not enough for you? I really don't know what to do without you. I know it's Sarah's birthday today and it is killing me to think you are with her for that. Do you think you have feelings for her? You will realize someday that you won't find someone like me again. I don't think you know what you want at all. I wish I could be more angry with you but I'm only sad. I love you and miss you.

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