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Posts posted by ndlw

  1. I am 36 year old woman. I had relationship for 7 years with beautiful girl. We were really close, and talked about spending our life togeather. Unfortunately I have to move to another coutry and ofcourse I asked her to come with me. But she told me that she will join me after year. As soon as I left her, month after she called me and said that she is very happy to be herself infact she is dating a older man. I try to understand her situation being alone, even though I cried and felt helpless. Then she broke up with him moved on to another man. I went back to see her, she told me that we can never be same again. She don't want me to touch her or kiss her. I don't know what happen to all our dreams. She said she loves me as Friend, and care about me and I should respect her idea. I cannot stop thinking about her and losing her for man is too much to take. Now she calls me sometime to tell me how wonderful her boyfriend is etc., I don't know what to do. I feel if I stop calling her then I will lose her, if I call her then I get hurt listening her newly found life. I cannot believe I spend 7 years with her and we were soooo close and it only took her month to change completely. What should I do...


    please help

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