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Posts posted by sherbear

  1. I stongly disagree with this view...read your bible more carefully..."faith is dead without works." It is not about being basically a good person, lie a little, cheat a little, God will beat u with a few stipes." This is absolutely false...we must always strive to do our best and care for the bodies that God has gifted us with...treat them as temples and do not defile them...in the right circumstance intimacy is a wonderful thing, but the powers of procreation are sacred..." God will not look upon the least bit of sin with allowance."

  2. All of us are tempted to sin...the natural man is an enemy to God....the problem is when we think that we can sin and then avoid the inevitable consequence that must follow..."wickedness was never happiness." Commandments are not put in place to restrict us or punish us...they are provided from a loving Heavenly Father who wants to protect his children...just remember this..a right decision can always be made after a wrong one...embrace God and know true freedom and happiness... coming from someone who has taken the wrong fork too many times and the outcome is always misery...

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