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Posts posted by Esbe

  1. you were the only girl strong enough to not act like a * * * * * and broke up with me shortly when you knew you were unhappy.


    That forced me to do what I always should have done. Taken space. i never realized those needy emotions and overbearing qualities were signs that i need my space, because my natural reaction was to obsess on the problem until i fixed it. but there was no problem, just me needed to find myself.


    ive never talked to someone for 8 hours straight only ending it to reluctantly go to sleep for work the first time i met them, alone, no romantic pressure. Its hard to believe there is someone else out there better for me. I know there are people better THAN you, but all i care about is who is the best for me.


    It drives me * * * * ing crazy not being able to talk about all the things ive been thinking and all the lessons i feel ive been learning. i talked to u about everything...since day one. now we say nothing to each other....nothing real, nothing human.


    I really hope when i stop do anything for you, and when i stop missing u so much, youll come back. and i really hope you wont wait until ive moved on.


    just please whatever you do if you ever loved me, be happy and live well. Find your passion, never let it go.

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