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Posts posted by ChrisWpg

  1. Well she seems to think it will work out (she said she'd try) because she will be so busy (freshman year, yes) that she wont have time for a BF in Brandon, so if her and I keep in touch regularly, it'll all be good for us when she comes back to Winnipeg.

  2. Hey, I'm new to this, its my first post so I'm jsut gunna say whats on my mind here:


    I have been seeing my GF since February 2003. We saw each other every single day, became really close, and the day before she left for Brandon (2.5 hrs away) I told her I loved her, and she told me the same. We both knew that we were aching to say it. And we meant it, truly. Its a feeling like nothing else. Its truly amazing

    But my problem is, now that she is in Brandon, what are some ways to make this work? I know I'm going to see her as much as possible, send her flowers, cards, gifts, etc, but is there any other way to make it better? She is gone for college for 2 yrs, said she would try to make a long distance relationship work, and said she'd be too busy to have a Boyfriend while in Brandon, we we could give it a try. I'm paranoid that it won't work out , but hope to Heaven that it will.


    Any advice? I miss her so much already and its only been 48 hrs





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