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Posts posted by DawnT

  1. Hi Rain man,

    I know exactly how you feel. I also, am aware there is no real purpose in life, we are just lumps of molecules slowing building, degrading and reforming over time. The extent of our life means nothing, and it makes no difference whether we choose to exist in it or not. I have tried very hard to find anything to dispute this, but there is just no proof of meaning. I have contemplated suicide many times, eaching time failing to do so. Just like every other human being, regaurdless of how much I suffer, it is extremely difficult to physicaly hurt myself. So over the last few years I have though about it a little bit more, and I have come to a different conclusion. While life is yes, inevitably meaningless and empty; It is most likely the only one you will ever get. Now that is not to say that should give you some kind of instant ambition to change your life, because it won't, but it's a start. Each day evalutate what you do, and whether or not it causes you pleasure or pain. This is the base of our existence, seeking pleasure, avoiding pain. For example, If living with your mother makes you miserable, then get out of there. You are not responsible for her happiness, only your own. If she chooses to be codependant than she will lead a miserable life out of her own free will, not by your actions. I know it is difficult to just up and leave, because I am sure you care for her and do not want to see her hurt, but you can't let her make you suffer so she can live in some delusion of stability and eternal motherhood. I hope this helps a little bit. Just take one day at a time, and do something every day that is pleasurable to you.

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