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Posts posted by RejectedGrrrl

  1. Hi all. I found this forum today simply because i was bored and i typed in : I just want to die. And i found you guys. I dont know what to do anymore... I am 23 and a nobody, doing nothing with my life, i keep running into dead ends. I am a single mother (the father ran off to become a heroin addict, bum, and whore) and ive been through three abusive relationships in a row (and the one im currently in is being worked on, but its livable). I live with my father and we are extremely poor, and he is an alcoholic and does drugs, and i cant stand having my son around it, not to mention all he does is rage and scream all the time. I dont know what to do.. I cant get an apartment because i have a warrant for my arrest and i have bad credit and rental history... Ive tried soooo many times at complexes AND through independent renters, and to no avail. All I want to do now is straighten my life up but there is no way to climb out of the hole i am in.. i got a car but i cant get a license because of the warrant, and i cant pay it off, and im afraid ill lose my son if i go to jail. He is the only thing other than my boyfriend that keeps me somewhat sane. I am also diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and have an eating disorder. I think the best thing to do is just end everything, but then im afraid of what will happen to my son. There is no way out for me, and im hopeless. Ive tried government agencies, who just laugh at me basically... i dont want to go back to being homeless on the streets, not with my baby. But i just cant stay here and i have no options anymore I just want to die. Thanks for listening.

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