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kind of blue

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Posts posted by kind of blue

  1. Does it make you feel better about yourself knowing that I can never contact you again - it dissolves you of any responsibility - you can just kid yourself that I never existed and you never did any of that bad stuff to me - erase me from ever being on this planet.

    One day your conscience will catch up with you - if not I pity you for what kind of person you are.

  2. Why do i beat myself up about you. Never showed me any respect, no wonder as i didn't respect myself for being treated so badly by you. You left me pregnant alone to deal with it, threw me out the hotel room for crying ofter sleeping with you, said some nasty things to me, ignore me and finally intimidate me to the point i thought you was going to hit me.


    All i ever did was try to be a friend. How can you live with yourself knowing you've done all that to me. I'm a decent kind person - you know i am. but in your eyes i'm not even worth an apology. Still to this day i make excuses for you, saying the anger and hate towards me is due to your fathers death - i know its not. How can you just treat another person like this. Your scum......

  3. I'm feeling lonely, its the start of the easter break and all I can think about is you spending it with her.


    What was so bad about my company, I thought you liked spending time with me but it was all an act.


    I hate that I torture myself with thoughts of you constantly, I hate that I still care after everything you've done and I still wish you would drop me any kind of crumb - I hate the person i've become for wanting that.


    I miss you Hairy

  4. How could you do all those terrible things to me, when all I did was love and care for you.

    Why was I not the one? What is wrong with me? Why was I never good enough for you?

    Now she is going to get the future that I dreamed and hoped for, I feel my life is over.

    One of the last things you said to me was i'm on a path to self destruction - well I certainly am now, you've done this to me.

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