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Posts posted by reese

  1. Hi,


    I am posting in hope to get a nutruel point of view. My husband and I are both in our second marriage and have been married almost 11 years. My ex and I since our divorce do not argue at all, and have a daughter together. My husband and his ex have two sons which are a junior and a senior in high school. Together my husband and I have two daughters, thus we truly have his, hers, and ours!!


    The reason for this post is that my husband and his ex have had turmoil while they were married and has carried on throughout all these years after the divorce. His ex has done everything and anything to keep the children away although now they are too old for these tactics now. But the ex still to this day puts the children in the middle of everything and I just don't understand.


    We have paid child support over and beyond the stated court order, have paid for 100% for braces for both sons, furniture for the boys, and many other things as well. Even still the ex has always implied that we don't pay anything or whatever more we have done is simply not good enough. Every single month she constantly calls (his cell phone she does not have the home number anymore), bickering and yelling about something. The latest is that a car in which the boys share are putting her in a hole in which we are suppose to bail her out. The boys do not have a part time job in helping with the costs of insurance and a car which they share which personally I think it is BS. Oh yes we also gave her a down payment to buy a house a while back only for her to use the money elsewhere and did not purchase the house.


    A lot of the stated above many people believe I am a great second wife, but I too have been a single mom and know it can be hard. But I think enough is enough now. To be quiet honest I told my hubby not to give her anything else but court order child support (we had been paying over 400.00 a month more), because it is never enough and we had our own financial issues we could pay instead.


    Well recently his ex called so much and left such nasty messages that we changed his cell phone, but she had one of his sons call his office (which is out of state hubby works from home), and got the number within a couple of weeks.


    What would your advise be in dealing with her. Hubby has hung up on her throughout the years, erased messages, has told her not to call, has changed his number a couple of times, ect. This has really been a problem more lately because the boys are almost grown and child support is going to cease within 18 months. (College costs ect are not in divorce decree and we will pay them ourselves no more $$ going to her after they are 18).


    He sees and talks to his children but until recently (they have their own cell phones), it has been like pulling teeth when contacting them. Meaning hubby had to go through her and it depended how she felt, or she had to get whatever out of her system before ever talking to the boys. I remember her returning presents for birthdays Christmas ect... Only to tell the boys dad has a second family and does not care about us anymore.


    For the most part hubby has kept a lot of this from me and our children. I mean the bitterness and guilt his ex puts on him. But for a while she was calling the house and I found out how she still carries on.


    Any advise????? (We live in different states so it's not like we are next door). At least that is a positive thing!!!!


    Seriously if hubby does not address this soon I feel like going on with my life!!!



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