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Posts posted by SBG4life

  1. Hey whats up, my name is Nikkiee. This message is more of a boost of confidence letter than a "what do I do" letter. I met this guy named Shaun and with in a couple days, I knew he was the only one I would ever want to be with. We hooked up and we were happily together for just a few months. He always told me how happy I made him and that he couldn't believe he finally found someone who made him feel the way that I did. Then out of completely no where, he told me that he was not ready for a relationship. He said that I did nothing wrong and there wasn't another girl or anything, he just wasn't ready for a relationship because of how many times he has been hurt and he couldn't stand it if for some reason I didn't want him anymore so he had to end it before that had a chance to happen. The worst part about the break up, for me, was that he didn't even mention anything about remaining friends. After balling my eyes for 2 days, I realized that life wasn't worth living if he wasn't apart of it and I was determined to not let him walk out of my life forever. So, I got up the nerve to call him and let him know how much he meant to me. I told him that I was really hurt that he thought I would ever hurt him but that it hurt even more that he didn't mention friendship. He told me that he thought I wouldn't want to be his friend after he had just broken up with me. I corrected him on that and we began to build a beautiful friendship. I made sure that he knew how much I still cared about him, how much he still means to me, and that I would prove to him that I would never do anything to hurt him. He never moved on to another girl and I never moved on to another guy. We are now working on getting back together. I am happier now than I have ever been.

    The point of my story is that, if you want someone bad enough, you never give up, but you have to make sure you are not pushing so hard that you push them away. Settle for the friendship if that is all they can handle at the time. If the love was meant to be, trust me, it will be. Good luck to those still in the relationship and keep your head up to the ones having to settle for friendship. And remember "Time heals all wounds". Well, hopefully this letter will help you get him/her back or at least give you some peace of mind. Once again, good luck! ( remember to allow yourself to smile) : )

    Much love to all

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