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Posts posted by vpdude

  1. Day 1 in half ;P


    im already losing the point of the no contact thing i been so tempted to txt her just for a generic hello as we do, i deleted her of my facebook but feeling guilty doing so i deactivated my account (extreme a little). I have another account i deactivated she is on my friends there and i even been checking up on that then quickly deactivating it again.


    Besides that im bored as hell nothing to do on a Sunday want to go out i dont want to bump into her. Im thinking of ringing some friends up for a chat.

  2. DAY 1

    Ok today i have initiated first day of no contact with my ex, i feel bad i deleted her of my facebook , i did this the first time we broke up she was pissed but it turned into my favour, we were together for 4 months only of and on i totally fell for her and been broken up for the last 2 months , she is out dating and met someone i dont want to deal with it all we pretty much spoke every day till the last few days i decided to atleast try and get over her i must distance myself and feel i have atleast some control of the situation. I also argue with her alot more then we were together as hard as this is for me i feel im doing the right thing not just for me but for her getting back together or not i rather base a mutual friendship with her instead of me wanting her as the object of my desire ,and hopefully we could work on something .. So here i go Day 1 this isnt going to be easy .

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