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Posts posted by pharcydetls

  1. ok people, here is the situation im in. i met this girl a few years back, when i was in college, and from the day i met her, i was totally into her. but the problem was she had a bf. i was graduating at the time so i was in the process of moving, so we have been friends since. a year or so ago, i told her i felt about her, how i couldn't get her off my mind and that i was totally into her. she said that she couldn't really say anything cause she had a bf... at the time. so we still remained friends. and in the past couple years, we have hung out often. not like everyday.. but once in a while.


    well, she recently graduated... and she is now back home.. home being about 15 miles from me... anyways.... a couple months ago, she calls me out of the blue to see how i have been doing.. we kind of lost contact for a while.. then we went out to have drinks a couple days after that call. but after that night.. i got super busy with work.. she got busy catching up with all her friends... so we again lost touch. but a couple weeks ago, she calls me to see if i wanted to go out.. hell yeah!!! so we went out to this the outside mall near by and just walked around.. checked out the shops. and ended up having a couple drinks.


    then a couple weeks ago, again i lost touch with her, an old flame came back into my life and made life very complicated.. but since then i have said my final goodbyes to her. anyways.. she calls me up to just talk and i asked her to come and have lunch with me the following week. (i just got my own little office, so i have no shame having a girl come by now) she said she would love to, so it was set the next monday. well.. she calls me the saturday before lunch and asks to go out.. again, hell yeah... we went to a little brewery and chilled.. talked.. good night..


    each time me and this girl have gone out, its been great, no weird moments of silences... a lot of witty banter... i dig her cause she is so smart... and can keep up with me in a conversation. she asked me a lot of relationship type of questions.. like my feelings on ex's... divorce... when i would want to get married.. and how long its been since ive had a girl...


    ok.. so lunch came and went. another great time.. but this time... after she left.. i called her.. first to check if she got back on the freeway ok.. and to say i had an awesome time.. she said she had fun too. then.. i said to her.. "hey... i want to see you again... soon" and she said she would like that too.. and asked what i wanted to do.. i said i didnt care. .she suggested a movie. .. then later that night.. she text messaged me that she had a lot of fun.


    my question is.. is she interested.. all signs point to yes.. but im skeptical.. becuase here is the thing.. most of the time i talk to girls everyday, but with her.. we talk maybe 3-4 times a week.. and not for that long either. tell me what this means.. HELP!!!!

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