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Posts posted by barrelomonkiez

  1. what would your paragraph say?


    how exactally would you explain how love feels?

    my view on love is probably alot different than alot of other people would view it.


    put yourself in this situation:

    you were with the person you care about the most and a bullet was headed straight towards them. knowing that you could jump and take the bullet for them in time, would you? in the risk of taking the bullet, you know that you will loose everything that youve ever accomplished in your entire life; EVERYTHING would be gone. eventhough you know the consequences, you would still put yourself there JUST knowing that the person will live.


    now think about it, most of your parents would do it for you... because they LOVE you.


    im not saying that IS the definition of love, that's just how i view it.


    how would you guys put it?

  2. I never really realized that i was being treated badly until i sat myself down and thought about everything for a long LONG time. About a month ago, i was saying that exact phrase over and over. Since then I've come to the reality that it really isnt worth the emotional pain that it brings me, you know?


    I was so caught up on the fact that i was loosing what meant so much to me, that i didnt care what was said or done. I only cared about trying to get it back. Im not too sure that im completely over my "but i love him" ordeal, because no matter what i do or what anyone tells me, there's still that little thought in the back of my head that makes me think that there's something that i can do to make it all back to the way it was. i was actually SO persistent on staying with him that for awhile there all i kept thinking to myself was "what i dont know, wont hurt me"


    i guess it just depends on the person. im sure that self-esteem has alot to do with it. im always thinking that the more i do for him, the more he'll love me. Even if he's not doing ANYTHING for me.

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