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Posts posted by inactivecash

  1. ME and the ex havent been together since new years, it's only been no contact for 9 days now. She has made it perfectly clear there is NO CHANCE in getting back. I no longer want her back, she is with someone else - this whole month idea was to test the water with someone else, even if she asked me back I would say no.


    EVERYONE around me tells me to stay clear of her as she is a seriously bad person. I'm getting over her much more quickly than expected. I obviously still have feelings for her, but I have accepted it's over and realising I'm better of without her.


    At first it was desperation of losing her as I THOUGHT she was the one. I can now see how stupid I was. I now laugh at what I have said.


    I am going to date this girl, I wouldn't if I was just single for 9 days, but it's been nearly 3 months now. I do like her a lot so far but i'm not gonig to rush into anything.


    Thanks for the advice so far.

  2. Day 7


    I no longer want to be with her anymore, I'm starting to think she was right about the things she said about why we shouldnt be together.


    I met someone else the other night. I like her, she's very sweet but shy! I'm going to start dating this girl hopefully if she want too.. I think she's keen.


    Since the Ex is now seeing someone else it has helped me to forget her more each day.

  3. Day 6


    Found out she's sleeping with someone else. Very good looking guy in the Navy. Probably a rebound. I'm very upset, she's been very cruel latley with facebook comments but I have shown no response to any of it.


    I think I'm going to try and give up the person I love now. She's 30, I'm 22 and she's acting like a 12 year old. Everyone tells me to leave her. Guess I got to move on now...


    I'm devestated. The worst has happened.

  4. if you dont feel like dating DONT


    and besides, i would hate to have been some guys 'fill in' for him to get over ex...why possibly hurt and use some other girl?


    i think alot is learnt from jus dealing with breakups and taking time out alone...yes dates are good for the ego, but at what cost? not to you but to the others ego...and well...would you like it done to you? ...we should all ask ourselves that question when faced with a possible date and see where we are at. *dont worry i have a guy trapsing me and im being mindful myself*


    I haven't got any dates lined up, it's just the thought of doing it is there you know?


    I love me ex and really do hope she comes back to me I just can't see it happening.

  5. Day 3


    I took Loxxt advice and blocked her from facebook. I did not send a message to say why.


    I feel better, got my apetite back and sort of accepting the fact that it's over even though perhaps it isn't, but the wondering what's going to happen is too painful.


    I'm trying to get on with my life now, I know it's only day 3 but it feels like months.


    The truth of the matter is, she has me under her thumb, right where she wants me but I can't let my life or heart be played like a game anymore, it's too painful.


    I'm now considering other options such as dating even though I don't really feel like it.

  6. Block her from face book, asap. Seriouisly. it would tempt you the break NC. besides you would start reading your own meanings into what you see. Block her or suspend your fb account asap. Seriously. i am talking from experience.



    I am on day three here! feeling okay for now. A hot bloke is coming to check me out at work today. wish me luck!


    I can't, we agreed that she can call me or if I see her out, I'm allowed to go say hi. But I don't think I will. Also I already orgionaly deleted her but then added her back once again as we tried to sort things.


    My NC is my last hope to get her back. Hardest thing Iv'e ever had to do.

  7. Day 2


    I nearly called her last night. But I didn't. Her Facebook status reads 'Thinking I might run away to sea! '. I havent eaten since Sunday, I can barely sleep - I got to bed early and wake up at a very early time, probably get about 3-4 hours sleep per night. I cry my eyes out on the way home from work every day, and then cry myself to sleep once more.


    I can't stop thinking about her. She said she needs a month to decide if we can make it work. And I'm still hoping that she will miss me and want to try again.


    I feel so empty and sad.

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