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Posts posted by Resherie

  1. Would like some opinions on this statement..


    My SO asks me if I had taken the dominant role in my past relationship because he *senses* that from me. He then commented and said, "I Will break you, you know that right?" I asked him what would happen if he couldn't break me, and he said there was no 'couldn't', and that he could break me right now if he wanted to...and that there wan't any 'what if' about it.


    Now, I knew he was a bit dominant, not in a bad way..but I never believed it to be like this. I'm wondering if this may pose a problem in the future, because I definitely do not see myself 'breaking' for Anyone. And if he expects me to fold, he's got a big surprise.


    What makes a man feel like he must be like this? Ego, insecurity?


    This question just came completely out of the blue one afternoon.

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