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Posts posted by buzzer

  1. I was so close to contacting you to see if we can work things out. Why do I feel the need to contact you when you have hurt me so much? I'm crying so much from all the pain I feel inside my heart. I can't think straight, work is getting to me, and my life is a mess right now. I miss the good times. I don't miss the way you used to control me. I sit here crying thinking how much I really loved you. I thought you would commit after so many years. I really thought you cared. Why did you have such a conditional love? Why did I not see those warning signs and big red flags? I can't believe I almost contacted you. Am I stupid for wanting you back? I need my self esteem and pride back. I feel like such a doormat right now. All stepped on and torn apart. I'll get over this, I will. It is going to take a very long time.

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