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Posts posted by lmu123

  1. Hello Joanie,

    I know its been quite a few years since you wrote this post but i have been searching online for some advice and havent been able to find any. I came accross this post and was relieved to know someone's been through this. I am in a very similar situation, have been with a guy for 4 years and we love eachother very much but I am sooo jealous of his sister, she is my same age and very sexy and gorgeous, and i have a VERY strong feeling that my bf is sexually attracted to his sister. Before I even met her, the way that he described her too me was strange from the get go. He checks her out everytime she walks by and gets nervous, also he is constantly comparing me to her asking why i dont get my nails done the way she does or dress in the same way she does. When i confront him about it, he says i'm crazy yet doesnt deny it enough.this situation is driving me crazy, I am constantly thinking about it and it's making my relationship with him, his family and myself a living nightmare. I hate to have to leave him for good over this. What advice do you give and and what did you end up doing?

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